Aminet 2
Aminet AMIGA CDROM (1994)(Walnut Creek)[Feb 1994][W.O. 44790-1].iso
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Text File
493 lines
Window1IDCMP1: move.l Window1(pc),a0
jsr CheckIDCMP
jmp WindowIDCMP
Window2IDCMP1: move.l Window2(pc),a0
jsr CheckIDCMP
jmp WindowIDCMP
Window3IDCMP1: move.l Window3(pc),a0
jsr CheckIDCMP
jmp WindowIDCMP
Window4IDCMP1: move.l Window4(pc),a0
jsr CheckIDCMP
jmp WindowIDCMP
WindowIDCMP: cmp.l #CLOSEWINDOW,d2
beq Quit
cmp.l #GADGETDOWN,d2
beq ButtonDown
cmp.l #GADGETUP,d2
beq Activategads
cmp.l #VANILLAKEY,d2
beq VanillaKeys
cmp.l #MENUPICK,d2
beq Win1Menus
cmp.l #RAWKEY,d2
beq RawKeys
jmp Window1IDCMP
Activategads: move.l #$01,CheckSum
move.l (a5),a0
lea.l FontSizeGad(pc),a1 ;take this out when you've
cmp.l #$00,(a5) ;got different sized fonts
beq ActivateGads1
cmp.l (a5),a1
bne ActivateGads2
move.l (a1),a0
jmp ActivateGads2
ActivateGads1: lea.l SerBRKTGad(pc),a0
ActivateGads2: move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$00,a2
lib Intuition,ActivateGadget
jmp Window1IDCMP
VanillaKeys: cmp.w #$1b,d3
beq Quit
jmp Window1IDCMP
RawKeys: cmp.w #$5f,d3
beq Quit ;Change to help
jmp Window1IDCMP
Win1Menus: jsr MenuNull
cmp.l #$00,d6
beq Win1Menus9
cmp.l #$01,d6
beq Win1Menus1
jmp Window1IDCMP
Win1Menus1: cmp.l #$00,d5
beq AskedWin1
cmp.l #$01,d5
beq AskedWin2
cmp.l #$02,d5
beq AskedWin3
cmp.l #$03,d5
beq AskedWin4
jmp Window1IDCMP
Win1Menus9: cmp.l #$00,d5
beq Load
cmp.l #$01,d5
beq Save
cmp.l #$02,d5
beq SaveAs
cmp.l #$03,d5
beq About
cmp.l #$04,d5
beq Quit
jmp Window1IDCMP
AskedWin1: cmp.w #$01,ActiveWinNum
beq Window1IDCMP
jmp StartWin1
AskedWin2: cmp.w #$02,ActiveWinNum
beq Window1IDCMP
jmp StartWin2
AskedWin3: cmp.w #$03,ActiveWinNum
beq Window1IDCMP
jmp StartWin3
AskedWin4: cmp.w #$04,ActiveWinNum
beq Window1IDCMP
jmp StartWin4
ButtonDown: move.l #$01,CheckSum
;Activate first string gadget again
lea.l SerBRKTGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$00,a2
lib Intuition,ActivateGadget
lea.l StopB1Gad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown1
lea.l StopB2Gad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown2
lea.l DataB7Gad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown3
lea.l DataB8Gad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown4
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown5
lea.l ParityEGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown6
lea.l ParityOGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown7
lea.l ParityMGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown8
lea.l ParitySGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown9
lea.l DuplexFGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown10
lea.l DuplexHGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown11
lea.l DuplexEGad(pc),a1
cmp.l a1,a5
beq ButtonDown12
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown1: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l StopB2Gad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l StopB1Gad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$02,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown2: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l StopB1Gad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$02,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown3: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l DataB8Gad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l DataB7Gad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$02,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown4: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l DataB7Gad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$02,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown5: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l ParityEGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityOGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityMGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParitySGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$05,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown6: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityOGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityMGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParitySGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$05,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown7: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityEGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityMGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParitySGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$05,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown8: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityEGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityOGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParitySGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$05,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown9: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityEGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityOGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityMGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l ParityNGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$05,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown10: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l DuplexHGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l DuplexEGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l DuplexFGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$03,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown11: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l DuplexFGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l DuplexEGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l DuplexFGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$03,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
ButtonDown12: move.w #$86,$c(a1)
lea.l DuplexFGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l DuplexHGad(pc),a0
move.w #$6,$c(a0)
lea.l DuplexFGad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #$03,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jmp Window1IDCMP
Load: jsr MenusOff
lea.l LoadName(pc),a5
jsr FileRequester
tst.l d0
beq LoadOut
lea.l FRPathName(pc),a1
move.l a1,d1
cmp.b #$00,(a1)
beq LoadOut
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
move.l d0,ConfigFile
bne Load1
jsr FileError
jmp LoadOut
Load1: move.l ConfigFile(pc),d1
lea.l CONFIG(pc),a0
move.l a0,d2
lea.l CONFIG(pc),a1
lea.l CONFIG_END(pc),a2
sub.l a1,a2
move.l a2,d3
lib Dos,Read
Load2: move.l ConfigFile(pc),d1
lib Dos,Close
move.l #$00,ConfigFile
move.l #$01,CheckSum
jsr SetGads
lea.l StopB1Gad(pc),a0
move.l Window1(pc),a1
move.l #-1,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
jsr MenusOn
jmp Window1IDCMP
SaveAs: jsr MenusOff
lea.l SaveName(pc),a5
jsr FileRequester
tst.l d0
beq SaveOut
lea.l FRPathName(pc),a1
move.l a1,d1
cmp.b #$00,(a1)
beq SaveOut
move.l #MODE_OLDFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
move.l d0,ConfigFile
beq ConfigNExists ;ConfigNotExists..
;The file already exists so we'll ask if the user wants to replace old file
lea.l AskReplace(pc),a0
move.l #$00,a1
jsr TwoGadRequest
tst.l d0
beq SaveOut
move.l ConfigFile(pc),d1
lib Dos,Close
move.l #$00,ConfigFile
SaveAsOut: jsr MenusOn
Save: jsr MenusOff
; jsr SetSer
Save1: tst.l ConfigFile
bne Save2
lea.l FRPathName(pc),a1
move.l a1,d1
move.l #MODE_NEWFILE,d2
lib Dos,Open
move.l d0,ConfigFile
bne Save2
jsr FileError
jmp SaveOut
Save2: move.l ConfigFile(pc),d1
lea.l CONFIG(pc),a0
move.l a0,d2
move.l a0,a1
; lea.l CONFIG(pc),a1
lea.l CONFIG_END(pc),a2
sub.l a1,a2
move.l a2,d3
lib Dos,Write
cmp.l #-1,d0
bne Save3
jsr FileError
;Close the file
Save3: move.l ConfigFile(pc),d1
lib Dos,Close
move.l #$00,ConfigFile
move.l #$00,CheckSum
SaveOut: jsr MenusOn
jmp Window1IDCMP
FileRequester: move.l a5,FRTitle
move.l d5,FRFlags
lea.l FileRequest1(pc),a0
lib Req,FileRequester
FROut: rts
Quit: cmp.l #$01,CheckSum
bne ShutDown
jsr MenusOff
lea.l NewQuitWin1(pc),a0
lib Intuition,OpenWindow
tst.l d0
bne Quit1
print <"Couldn't open Quitting-window",13,10>,_stdout
jmp ShutDown
Quit1: move.l d0,QuitWin1
move.l QuitWin1,a1
move.l $32(a1),a0
lea.l QuitWin1Txt1,a1
move.w #$10,d0
move.w #$10,d1
lib Intuition,PrintIText
move.l Screen1,a0
lib Intuition,DisplayBeep
QuitIDCMP: move.l QuitWin1(pc),a0
jsr CheckIDCMP
cmp.l #GADGETUP,d2
beq QuitIDCMP1
cmp.l #VANILLAKEY,d2
bne QuitIDCMP
cmp.w #$1b,d3
beq QuitIDCMP2
cmp.w #"y",d3
beq QuitIDCMP3
cmp.w #"Y",d3
beq QuitIDCMP3
cmp.w #"n",d3
beq QuitIDCMP2
cmp.w #"N",d3
beq QuitIDCMP2
jmp QuitIDCMP
QuitIDCMP1: cmp.w #$2,$26(a5)
beq QuitIDCMP3
cmp.w #$3,$26(a5)
bne QuitIDCMP
QuitIDCMP2: move.l Window1(pc),a0
lea.l Menu1(pc),a1
jsr MenusOn
move.l QuitWin1(pc),a0
jsr ClearMSGs
move.l #0,QuitWin1
jmp Window1IDCMP
QuitIDCMP3: jsr MenusOn
move.l QuitWin1(pc),a0
jsr ClearMSGs
move.l #0,QuitWin1
jmp ShutDown
About: jsr MenusOff
lea.l NewAbWindow1(pc),a0
lib Intuition,OpenWindow
tst.l d0
bne About1
print <"Couldn't open About-window!",13,10>,_stdout
jmp ShutDown
About1: move.l d0,AbWin
move.l d0,a0
move.l $32(a0),AbRP
move.l AbRP(pc),a1 ;Color the background
move.l #$02,d0
lib Gfx,SetRast
move.l AbWin(pc),a1 ;Draw the Gads again
lea.l YNGad1(pc),a0
move.l #$00,a2
move.l #-1,d0
lib Intuition,RefreshGList
move.l AbRP(pc),a0 ;Border
lea.l AbBorder1(pc),a1
move.l #$00,d0
move.l #$00,d1
lib Intuition,DrawBorder
move.l AbRP(pc),a0 ;Texts
lea.l AboutTxt1(pc),a1
move.l #$00,d0
move.l d0,d1
lib Intuition,PrintIText
About2: move.l AbWin(pc),a0
jsr CheckIDCMP
cmp.l #GADGETUP,d2
beq AboutOut
cmp.l #VANILLAKEY,d2
beq AboutKeys
jmp About2
AboutKeys: cmp.w #$1b,d3
beq AboutOut
cmp.w #"y",d3
beq AboutOut
cmp.w #"Y",d3
beq AboutOut
cmp.w #"n",d3
beq AboutOut
cmp.w #"N",d3
beq AboutOut
jmp About2
AboutOut: move.l AbWin(pc),a0
jsr ClearMSGs
move.l #$0,AbWin
jsr MenusOn
jmp Window1IDCMP